NANO Modules Blank Panel 8HP

Blank Panels help to keep your Eurorack System clean and well organised.

€ 7,49
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These panels not only fill in empty spaces in your rack, but also protect the power distribution boards by keeping things from falling into your rack.

You can also use them to gain more space between modules or to separate module groups visually.
They come in different sizes for a greater flexibility: 2HP, 4HP, 6HP, 8HP and 12HP.
Inspired by Lissajous Curves &Oscilloscope aestheticsLissajous Curves are the shapes created when the x-coordinate of a curve is described by one sine wave, and the y-coordinate is described by another sine wave. x = A sin [at + δ] y = B sin [bt]By adjusting the frequency (a,b) of each wave and other parameters, interesting patterns emerge.

Using oscilloscopes and two signal generators it is possible to create them. Oscilloscopes have an XY mode such that allows the trace to be controlled using two distinct inputs.

They come with Befaco Knurlies for mounting.

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